Friday, July 9, 2010

New Beginnings- Life Update

Well this summer has been crazy. I have been out of school for the past 2 weeks due to sprained ankles. None the less the injuries have really been a blessing in disguise. My time off has allowed me to take care of some business that I would not have otherwise had the time to do.

I recently interviewed with a few schools in the Metropolitan Nashville Public School district and have accepted a position with Shwab Elementary School. My boyfriend Rob and I have moved in together at his house, just down the street from Shwab and are loving life.

As much as I love my students at the King's Daughters' School, I was feeling ready for a change and so with Rob's encouragement and support I have made that happen. I am sad to leave the awesome family that I have grown to care so much for at King's Daughters' but am ready to embrace a new one at my teaching position.

One last exciting bit about all this change, the person who accepted my current position with the King's Daughters' School is none other than one of my very best friends from Rhode Island College. AJ Mindyas just graduated from RIC with his art education degree just I had 2 and a half years ago and is ready to follow my footsteps into the King's Daughters' family. He has been working with people with mental disabilities in group homes for several years and is ready to meet the challenges of the KDS students. I am so excited to pass the torch to my friend AND to have him here in Tennessee with me!

After AJ's acceptance of the position I really feel like everything that is meant to be is happening and fitting together like puzzle pieces. The process of interviewing and moving has been stressful but the results are so so sweet.

This coming week I will be attending the Tennessee Arts Academy for the second summer and will most likely be blogging about that as it happens.

I hope everyone's summer is going as good as mine!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Interactive Art... "Play me I'm yours"

Quick update, my students are working on a wall mural at school this week- I'm not there because I sprained BOTH my ankles this past weekend during my yART sale Saturday. BLAH So I am stuck here in the house and can't do too much of anything... except play on the computer and watch movies. So on facebook this morning, a band mate of mine from high school was tagged in an article and featured playing pianos in many photos of this new exhibit throughout the city of New York. Several pianos. which are decorated beautifully, are placed all over the city with stickers on them that say "play me I'm yours" and "sing for hope." Anyone can stop and play these piece of public art and become part of it! Much like other projects such as 1000 journals, you can go online and upload your videos, photos, and stories of your interactions with the piece onto the artists website! Street pianos have been exhibited in cities all over the world and are currently set up in london and in nyc. Go check them out for yourselves either in person or online!
pictured: Michael Chicoria