Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mexican Yarn Paintings

After completing circle weavings with third grade and loom weavings with fourth grade, I was left with all kinds of scraps of yarn. I remembered a friend of mine showing me her students yarn paintings that she did with kindergarten that were so cute! So I did some online research, came up with an introduction to the lesson, and taught this activity with all grades. All the students enjoyed doing this and they came with some really creative results. Check out more on our Artsonia page!

Check out this link for more information on this lesson plan! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shwab-bee Art Show!

May 12th many momma's, dads, and students come to back to school to view the student Shwab Art Show. It was a huge success and the students loved every minute of their time in the beautiful halls! I found that the best way to hang work was to place a strip of tape on the back of the artwork, then hot gluing over the tape and pressing it against the wall. It stays on the walls the best, is easily removable, and does not harm the artwork. I was a proud art momma that night and the show was up for a week. Next year I'm hoping to plan on an earlier date so I can leave the work up longer :)