Saturday, June 23, 2012

Frist Summa Camp!

Folk Art Fun and Paint N' Play were my two camp classes this past week at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts. I had such a blast with my 5-7 year olds in exploring and creating lots of awesome artwork! Here are some examples of my student work from this week....

 Bubble Wrap Printing and a Crazy Quilt Square 
 My ugly doll samples.

 Shaving Cream Marbling/ Suminagachi Marbling from Dick Blick

 Ugly Dolls
 Button Collage
 Decoupage Ceramic Plates (

 Mexican Folk Art: Yarn Painting

 Bubble Wrap Prints
 Race Car Paintings

 Amante Bark Painting of chickens, done on paper bags

 Faith Ringgold Story Quilts
Guatemalan Worry Dolls made from twisting pipe cleaners.
 Pieced together Crazy Quilt

 Patterned Landscapes inspired by folk art quilts.

 Bean Mosaics
Paper weaving made into a self portrait with quilt. I like to call this "they are precious when they sleep!"

Construction paper collage quilt squares pieced together 

Tie Dye Shirts!!!

Silhouette Cut Outs, Popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Cheaper than photography!

More precious sleeping children!
Top Row: Rubber Cement Resist Watercolor paintings
Middle: Painting with Marbles ( used about 6 marbles in a tray at a time.)
Bottom Row: Shaving Cream Marbling

Symmetrical Paintings

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Plans?!

A few updates, I'm first of all excited about teaching at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts again this year. I will be teaching two summer camps, two of each session! Folk Art Fun and Paint N' Play for the 5- 7 year olds! Yay! AND More good news....

I got a new job! I will be one of two art teachers at Metro's NEW Cane Ridge Elementary School for this up coming school year! I'm pretty psyched about a new art room, a new kiln, and new kiddos. I will miss the staff and most of the kids from Shwab for sure, but this school is much closer to home and not extended day- which means I get out of school earlier. YAY!

Another thing that I'm excited about is the Montreal Jazz Festival! At the end of the month I'm flying home to RI to meet up with my dad and step mom and we are  driving to Montreal for the Jazz Festival. They have been to this several times, I haven't ever been to Canada, so I'm pretty stolked about popping the cherry of my virgin pass port!

As they say in my fav movie of all time, "Almost Famous".... "It's all happening!"

Friday, June 1, 2012

A few more... End of the Year Art Show

Here are a few more photos I stumbled upon while downloading photos onto my computer. The first few are from when the Recycle truck featuring my student's artwork came to visit the school, and the following are a few more from the art show! Enjoy!