Ms. Golen and I met our students this morning in front of LP field to celebrate the success of their artwork! We even met up with Mayor Karl Dean for a Cane Ridge Elementary Photo Op! This year's theme was 'Reduce your Carbon Footprint." which provided us with a fabulous lesson opportunity with the third and fourth grade kiddos. They all really did a fantastic job! Andrea Florence was the top pick from out of my classes, she went with the owl for our Cane Ridge Elementary mascot! Super cute!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thing's Are Happening!
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for so much! I am especially thankful for you guys my followers on here who I have been neglecting the past couple of months. I have a good reason! In the beginning of September I decided to apply to Boston University for their online Masters in Art Education program. I got in and have been pretty busy ever since! I also presented at the Tennessee state Art Education conference at the beginning of this month so things have been a little crazy.
I am still loving my new school and my art partner Ms. Lauren Golen (aka upstairs art teacher.) I'm glad to be continuing my own education as I educate the little ones in my classroom.
This is kinda funny... so one of the assignments we had was to create a political cartoon about issues in art education. Here is mine, enjoy :)
I am still loving my new school and my art partner Ms. Lauren Golen (aka upstairs art teacher.) I'm glad to be continuing my own education as I educate the little ones in my classroom.
This is kinda funny... so one of the assignments we had was to create a political cartoon about issues in art education. Here is mine, enjoy :)
Monday, October 8, 2012
Match Code Time!
Please consider helping my students spring to success! Visit my Teacher Page at, make a tax-deductible donation of any size, and use the match code PUMPKIN to double your donation. The match code expires on Monday 10/15!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Artsonia and Beyond!
I am a huge advocate for using Artsonia! I even presented on their behalf a couple years ago at the Tennessee state conference. This is a new(ish) feature that I just started utilizing myself this fall. E newsletters! You can send an art news letter via email to all the parents registered on artsonia at your school! Fabulous job Artsonia!
Art Supplies from Ms. Motta and Ms. Golen
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Technology in the iArt Class
Eventually we all received document cameras to be hooked into our projectors in our school. However, until that happened I used sketchbookx app on my ipad to draw on and have projected over the screen! Here are a few images from that!
Not only is this helping us be greener teachers, but it keeps you organized. You can save your sketches from class to class and easily pick up from where you left off. Very useful for teaching portraiture!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Here are some links to 2 of my donor's choose projects that are currently active. Help us get supplies Please!!!!
Friday, August 31, 2012
POP ART @ Target!!!!
Apparently for the 50th anniversary of Warhol's Soup Can paintings Target will be selling limited edition soup cans for only 75 cents a piece. Check this out!
Monday, August 27, 2012
iPad teacher app "planbook" is a must have!
So this year I'm at a new school with a new wackado elementary schedule. Some classes I see once a week, others twice. It is really hard to keep track of where you left off with a class as it is without there being some classes that are way far ahead because simply you see them more! Anyway I recently took advantage of Tennessee's tax free weekend before back to school and bought myself an iPad. If you are a teacher out there of any kind you can benefit from this marvelous app called plan book. I was never good at keeping up with a handwritten plan book but this one on my iPad is just want I needed to help keep me organized! Check out the screen shot below and see what I mean :)
Lastly I will also say that webehave is another fabulous must have teacher app! For privacy sake I did not take a screen shot of that, but I will say it is helping me keep track of notes I send home, parent communication, and in the event of needing a full history say for an iep meeting or support team it can come in real handy!
Lastly I will also say that webehave is another fabulous must have teacher app! For privacy sake I did not take a screen shot of that, but I will say it is helping me keep track of notes I send home, parent communication, and in the event of needing a full history say for an iep meeting or support team it can come in real handy!
Friday, August 3, 2012
I'm Ready!!!!!
I am officially having kidlets come to my classroom today :) I am very ready and excited to see them all! Here is a sneak peak into my BRAND NEW CLASSROOM!
Book Shelve/ Storage Closet
Counter tops and my BIG crayola crayon that my sweetie won for me at the TN fair last fall :)
Our TN standards in kid friendly terms!
My white board with principals and elements above it :)
Behavior Management!
If you are regular followers of my blog you may have seen my "How Blue Are You" Board last year that I stole from Mr. E... because he's amazing! This year I wanted to do a different spin on it, and found this idea on pinterest! Instead of using a dial/ and colored strips, I'm using the letters ART which you can see in the photo above, when students are being great I don't touch the letters. If students are acting up, rather than turning a dial from blue to yellow, I'll flip over one of the letters. If all letters remain during the class then for their class pocket they earn a "crayon" strip. Rewards to follow at the end of the quarter ;)
Individual management!
Above you see a blue and yellow paper with a smile and a frown. These are my new happy and sad charts. If a student is being outstanding I'll have them put their name on the happy chart. If they are being fussy, the sad chart. Both sheets are laminated and I stuck a dry erase marker to the wall with velcro! Also I have my passes hanging on the door. If students are on the happy chart when the class period is over, then they get to pick a prize. I know what you're thinking, prizes get expensive! Well walmart clearance all of their teacher stuff down to 10 cents yesterday! I bought over 300 hundred items, for $30+ and within each package are multiple erasers, gel pens, pencils, stickers, etc. I am well stocked! If you are a teacher and haven't checked out their 10 cent aisle yet, GO!
The entrance to the art room!
Word wall solution.
Again, inspired by Mr. E... I laminated all of my words after writing them down on fluorescent paper, stuck a magnet strip on the back and there you have it!
The front The students tables
I hope you enjoyed peaking in! As always I love hearing from you all... let me know if you have any questions on anything I posted! Suggestions are always welcomed to!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Summer Update
So it has been a very busy but good summer. I went to Montreal with my family, watched fireworks on the beach for the fourth, taught summer camp, went to TN Arts Academy, and now I'm setting up my brand new classroom! Here are a few pictures from all of my adventures.
Dad checking out a bonsai tree.
Japanese Tea Garden inside of the Montreal Botanical Gardens
Montreal's Art Museum featuring Jim Dine Heart sculptures in the front!
A healthy treat at the festival!
Jazz Festival
Tennessee Arts Academy 2012: Crayola Dream Makers Curriculum Connections
Literacy Word Heads/ Multiplication Quilt
Model Magic bug sculpture inside a terrarium, made from an empty 2 litter bottle.
Learning critical thinking through piecing together an art exhibit!
I learned how to sew books!
Wednesday night banquet with some good friends :)
My new school... more still to come!
This is where my kiln will be going! Cabinets, counter space, and a utility sink!
Bright colors everywhere! This is just a small section of hallway!
Four computer stations to go in the back of my room :)
The room is coming together, my orange accent wall :)
The view of the super cute playground from my classroom.
I've been in my classroom all last week, and attended an art teacher inservice yesterday. I'll continue to post updates as the new school year begins!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Frist Summa Camp!
Folk Art Fun and Paint N' Play were my two camp classes this past week at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts. I had such a blast with my 5-7 year olds in exploring and creating lots of awesome artwork! Here are some examples of my student work from this week....
Bubble Wrap Printing and a Crazy Quilt Square
My ugly doll samples.
Shaving Cream Marbling/ Suminagachi Marbling from Dick Blick
Ugly Dolls
Button Collage
Decoupage Ceramic Plates (
Mexican Folk Art: Yarn Painting
Bubble Wrap Prints
Race Car Paintings
Amante Bark Painting of chickens, done on paper bags
Faith Ringgold Story Quilts
Guatemalan Worry Dolls made from twisting pipe cleaners.
Pieced together Crazy Quilt
Patterned Landscapes inspired by folk art quilts.
Bean Mosaics
Paper weaving made into a self portrait with quilt. I like to call this "they are precious when they sleep!"
Construction paper collage quilt squares pieced together
Tie Dye Shirts!!!
Silhouette Cut Outs, Popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Cheaper than photography!
More precious sleeping children!
Top Row: Rubber Cement Resist Watercolor paintings
Middle: Painting with Marbles ( used about 6 marbles in a tray at a time.)
Bottom Row: Shaving Cream Marbling
Symmetrical Paintings
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